Simple and Honest Marketing Method

Aligned 1-page marketing plans that 
leverage your strengths + nourish your nervous system.

(without the hype, complicated funnels, paid ads, or posting on social media every day)

Welcome to soulful and strategic marketing that works.

If you have been avoiding marketing because you don’t want to be one of “those” people, you’re in luck.

You don’t have to be slimy, loud, or convince people to buy your offers.

Snapshot of How This Program Works

(If you want the full details, keep reading below)

This program is a combination of live classes, self-paced online modules, office hours, and time to get your questions answered in a live environment.

What would you love to generate in your marketing over the six weeks of live classes?

Is it a dollar amount? Is it to fill a program or get a certain number of clients? Maybe it’s to speak on a certain number of podcasts? 

You set your goal and we spend six weeks making it happen at a pace that supports your capacity 100%.  

Next, you’ll create your 1-page marketing plan.

I walk you through every step of the simple process. Included are tools to support your mindset and self-belief that what you want to create is possible. Using Parts Work as a foundation for these tools, I’ll walk you through how to quiet the thoughts and beliefs that don’t believe what you want is possible. 

Implementation Without FOMO or Urgency

Over our time together, I will give guidance and resources to implement what you learn. You can see the topics for the live classes and what’s included in the online modules below.

You will have access to checklists and templates to support your marketing tasks, including things like sales page outlines, email sequences, and more. 

Support for 90 Days

There are two ways to get support throughout the live classes, plus 60 days after. Our live classes have dedicated time for Q&A and laser coaching. Plus, there are two 90-minute office hours dedicated to implementing what you learn and time for questions. See the full schedule at the bottom of this page. 

The next live cohort starts on October 9, 2024.
$400 USD
Payment options available. Payment plans do not cost extra.

The Simple and Honest Marketing Method teaches you how to create simple 1-page marketing plans that prioritize your strengths and capacity without complicated funnels, paid ads, or posting on social media every day.

Plus, you will:

Deepen Your Self-Trust

Stop second-guessing yourself and follow through on taking action.

Align with Your Strengths

Focus on what you’re already good at and eliminate overwhelm with misaligned strategies.

Expand Your Visibility

Practice being seen in ways that feel safe and supportive.

{ without crashing your nervous system or cramming yourself into someone else’s formula }

The next live cohort starts on October 9, 2024.
$400 USD
Payment options available. Payment plans do not cost extra.

Angella Johnson standing in a hall wearing jeans, a green shirt and a black jacket.

Hi, I’m Angela Johnson, your trauma-informed marketing guide, coach, and strategist.

Whether you call it non-coercive marketing, anti-bro-marketing, or the opposite of “boss-babe” marketing, the Simple and Honest Marketing Method is different.

This framework changes your relationship with marketing, visibility, and receiving money for your work.

The aligned 1-page marketing plans integrate your intuition, mindset, practical strategy, and aligned action that leverages your unique strengths.

But this is more than a 1-page marketing plan. It’s an approach to marketing that prioritizes your nervous system, capacity, keeps things simple so you can have results for years to come.

It is marketing that’s good for everyone:
you (and your bank account), your clients, and the world.

Let me guess…

… you’re not a big fan of how you’ve been marketed to or how you’ve been taught to market.

The one-size-fits-all formulas rooted in bro marketing and #bossbabe strategies feel gross – because they are gross.

The Simple and Honest Marketing Method teaches you a framework to be more consistent in sharing your offers and do it in a way that honors your capacity and that aligns with your unique strengths and goals.

No more doing allllll of the things to try to get clients.

No more more overwhelm or confusion of what to do. It’s time for a simple approach that actually works for your capacity AND generates results.

What Makes the Simple and Honest Marketing Method Different:

simple strategy

You will learn how to create simple 1-page marketing plans that prioritize your capacity and unique strengths.

You will also learn simple strategies to increase visibility and sales without using FOMO, big promises, or other gimmicky strategies. 

The motto in this program is simple:

“I start where I am with what I have and I allow things to be simple.”


Your business is run by your nervous system, not the latest hacks for funnels or strategies. This is why we focus on working with your nervous system and capacity.

When your nervous system doesn’t feel safe, you will find a way to protect yourself, which almost always looks like sabotage, procrastination, or when limiting beliefs take over.

As your trauma-informed coach and strategist, I facilitate specific ways that support your lived experiences and nervous system.


Throughout the program, I share tools, including Parts Work, to help you deepen your self trust, discover what’s really holding you back, and get into your body through simple somatic practices.

The difference is instead of info dumping that you never implement, you’ll have the resources to follow through on what you learn.

Additionally, we meet for three weeks, take a 1-week integration week, then come back for two more weeks.

If all of the business formulas worked, then everyone would:

— Make a whole lot more money.

— Never experience self-doubt or overwhelm.

— Be happy and only work 20-hour weeks. 

— Be consistent as hell in sharing their offers.

Important Reminder:

WHEN  (not if)  the formulas don’t work, it’s time to question the formula, instead of thinking there is something wrong with you.

What if you have been duped into believing that YOU are the problem if you’re not “crushing it” in your business?

Simple and Honest Marketing Method is a 5-week live training + self-paced online modules + 90 days of support for a comprehensive, yet digestible program you can implement to create sustainable results.  

Investment: $400 USD
Payment options available. Payment plans do not cost extra.
Explore the details below.

 Let’s talk about money.

Consistent marketing can help you make your money.

There are many programs that promise you’ll make six figures in just 6 simple steps. <sigh>

I used to promote that kind of messaging (cringe), but in 2015 I recognized the hype-filled marketing didn’t work, it wasn’t sustainable, and it felt gross – because it was gross.

The Simple and Honest Marketing Method is designed to help you build a foundation that supports sustainable profitability for years to come.

I don’t make income claims because there are many variables to how someone makes money, including their privilege, capacity, offers, what they implement, their timeframe for implementation, and their relationship with visibility and receiving money.

In addition to making more money,
this is also about doing business differently.

When we change the way we do business, we no longer tolerate or perpetuate power dynamics that rely on powering OVER others to get them to buy.

We no longer use manipulation, even if it’s subtle, in order to make money.

When we change the way we do business from the capitalistic and toxic strategies we’ve been immersed in, we dismantle the very systems that are holding up oppression.


>> We create sustainable and profitable businesses that make an impact and we do it without burning out and without exploiting people (buh-bye capitalism).

>> When we have energy to keep showing up in a world that isn’t designed for use to thrive, we create change.

>> This also changes who has access to money and we change how money flows in our local and global economies.

>> When our marketing is about honoring our own nervous system as well as people in our audience and our clients, we treat people in a way that mirrors the kind of world we want to live in and that matters.

With the Simple and Honest Marketing Method as your foundation, you have a framework you can integrate to sustain and grow your business year after year. 

Join the next cohort.

We start on October 9, 2024.

Investment: $400 USD
Payment options available. Payment plans do not cost extra.
Explore the details below.

If you:

  • Haven’t had great or consistent results from your marketing,

  • Spent money on paid ads that didn’t yield an ROI,

  • Followed someone’s “proven” marketing system and it flopped,

  • Got results but it came at a high price or attracted less-than-ideal clients,

  • Got short-term results that weren’t sustainable,

it’s not your fault  (even though you’ve been made to feel that it is).

Traditional marketing, a.k.a. toxic marketing teaches us that:

— If you just work harder, then you’ll get results.

— If you’re “coachable” then you’ll fix your broken mindset.

— If you just follow the formulas then you will “crush it.” 

— Your thoughts create your reality so work on our mindset (but there is zero mention how trauma, privilege, and systemic oppression play a role in how you create results).

— If you want it bad enough, then you’ll invest the money and do what it takes.

(Um… I have a LOT of questions about these lousy pieces of advice…)

If you sabotage your efforts or avoid marketing altogether, it’s likely:

  • A lack of clarity about WHAT to do

  • Your nervous system and brain doing their job of keeping you safe

  • Or both.

The most sustainable and effective ways to get more visible and market your offers are through these four practices that we focus on in this program:

1. Detox from hype-filled strategies you have learned

2. Simplify your marketing and stop trying all of the things you see “working” for other people.

3. Honor you pace, capacity, and unique way you work.

4. Work with your nervous system so you feel save to be visible and being more consistent.

P.S. You’re not broken. You don’t need the complicated funnels. You don’t need to hustle and buy into the hype. And you definitely don’t need to cram yourself into someone else’s one-size-fits-all formula.

Four Myths That Get in the Way of Effective Marketing:

1. The “Right” Formula

Let me guess, you hate being told what to do, right?

Yet, we just want someone to tell us what to do so our business can be easier!

The “perfect” formula doesn’t exist. 

If you have followed the formulas (that you maybe even paid tens of thousands of dollars to learn) and it just didn’t work or was sustainable, you’re not alone. The majority of people I work with have tried various marketing systems and programs, only to be incredibly disappointed. 

2. Your Mindset Needs Work

You’ve likely done enough mindset work to last a few lifetimes. So why do you still have “limiting beliefs?”

You’ll learn in our first workshop that “limiting beliefs” are really just protective beliefs and when we approach them differently, your beliefs become your ally vs. something to fix or force to be different.

This is why I focus on tending to your nervous system and introduce Parts Work to address limiting beliefs, patterns, and behaviors.

3. But This Way Works 

When the bro- and boss-babe marketers claim that their strategies “work,” we must ask “Who exactly does it work for?” If it’s not working for the business owner, the client, and the world, then it’s just a money grab that ONLY benefits the person doing the selling.

The folks shouting that their way is THE way can be pretty damn convincing.

Maybe, you’ve even been burned by other programs and coaches and if that’s the case, I’m truly sorry because I’ve been there and it sucks. 

4. I’ll Manifest It

I’m a fan of spiritual principles and working with the universe to manifest things.

But… I also see a lot of brilliant people using “manifesting” as a way to bypass real feelings and problems. It’s also a clever way to avoid marketing. 

Hoping people will find you if you get your “vibe” right isn’t a marketing strategy. Too often, spiritual principles are used as ways to avoid visibility so we can avoid being rejected, being seen as a “fraud,” and more. 

P.S. Energetic Marketing is one of the four marketing types in this program, but it has to be accompanied by action. 

Welcome to a new way of doing business.

Join the next  cohort.

We start on October 9, 2024.

Investment: $400 USD
Payment options available. Payment plans do not cost extra.
Explore the details below.

 The Simple and Honest Marketing Method is a refreshing 3-part framework to market your business in a way that works for you.

The Framework:



The 4 Truths create the foundation for your business and marketing. Your business will be rooted in ethical strategy from the ground up.


The 12 principles act as checkpoints along your path to detox toxic marketing that has subtly (or not so subtly) found its way into your mindset, bank account, marketing, how you purchase, and your business practices.


You’ll learn the 4 types of marketing so you can create easy 1-page marketing plans using a super template. You can create a plan for each offer you have or for each month if you have more than one offer at a time.

With these principles you’ll understand exactly how to make your marketing nervous-system friendly and how to create consistent results.

“My biggest ah-ha from taking this class is I saw how my business and marketing really doesn’t have to be so hard. In the past, I would hesitate on moving forward with things because of the sheer overwhelm of all of the things I needed to do. I now see how I could do this and not burn myself out. The Intuitive Marketing Method™ is brilliant. Especially if you have struggled with how to make all of the things you’ve learned over the years really work for you, this framework gives you the map and you get to determine how to get where you want to go.”
Tami Gulland

Intuitive Life Strategist

What’s Included + The Details

What is Included:

Five live workshops + online modules + two bonus workshops + additional resources.


Live Workshops

Live Workshops + Recordings

There are five live training calls that include time for Q&A and laser coaching.

Recordings are uploaded to an online portal within 48 hours.

*See the topics for the live calls below.



Online Modules

Online Modules

The online modules are 5-15 minute videos covering the basics of the program. Topics include the core lessons of the Intuitive Marketing Methodâ„¢, marketing plan examples, basics of trauma-informed marketing, nervous system support, content prompts, and more.



Checklists and Templates

Workbook: This PDF will take you through exercises each week so you can implement what you learn.

Templates: sales page, email sequence, video scripts, testimonials, connection calls, referrals, waitlist opt-in, and more.

Checklists: business basics, hosting an event (online and in person), program launch, and more.


Bonus Workshop #1

Social Media Workshop

Get Visible is a live workshop on October 2. If you can’t attend live, you will get the recording.

This workshop is co-hosted with my friend and colleague Glenyce Hughes. 

I hired Glenyce to help with social media videos as my last-ditch effort to embrace social media or completely abandon it. 

I was amazed at how easy and fun she made video marketing, and I’ve been consistently creating videos for months, some with thousands of views. 

This is NOT about going viral or figuring out the algorithm. 

This workshop IS about how to enjoy making videos without spending loads of time doing so.


Bonus Workshop #2

Canva Design Workshop

You don’t have to be a seasoned graphic designer to make your images pop. 

In this 90-minute design workshop, I’ll show you tips and tricks in Canva to boost your image designs.

Note: This is not a tutorial on the basics of using Canva. This IS a workshop about visual communication to make your graphics stand out and enhance your visual brand.


Office Hours

Office Hours

While self-paced learning modules are great, they aren’t useful if you never watch them, right? 

Office Hours are designed to help you do three things:

  1. Schedule time to work directly on your marketing
  2. Schedule time to watch the online modules that are a part of this program
  3. Ask questions in a live environment for effective laser coaching

The schedule is listed below. 

It works like this: For the first hour, everyone in attendance will check in on what they are focusing on. Then, for the last 30 minutes, it will be time for laser coaching as a group. You will learn from others’ questions and get your questions answered, too.

*These sessions are not recorded.

The Schedule:

Included are five live workshops + two bonus workshops + office hours. Everything except the office hours are recorded for you to access anytime. 

5 Live Class Dates:

*Calls are Thursdays from 11-12:15 Mountain time, except for the first class, which is on a Wednesday.
10 a.m. Pacific / 1 p.m. Eastern / 6 p.m. London

October 9 (*Wednesday): Energetic Marketing and Mindset (+ an intro to Parts Work to Address Limiting Beliefs)

October 17: Create Your 1-Page Marketing Plan

October 24: Collaborations and Cross Promotions

October 31: Integration Week (No live workshop)

November 7: Marketing Timelines and Gentle Launches

November 14: Ongoing Marketing Actions

Each live workshop includes approximately 35-45 minutes of training, a short 3-minute break, followed by laser coaching and masterminding

Two Bonus Workshops:

Get Visible: Fun and Easy Social Media Videos with co-host Glenyce Hughes

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 from 11-12 p.m. Mountain time

Design Tips Using Canva

Tuesday, November 12 rom 11-12:30 p.m. Mountain time

Office Hours:

Office hours are especially helpful if you’re not great at watching recorded content and/or need some space to integrate what you are learning.

How it works: Everyone checks in at the beginning, then they work on their tasks independently. The last 30 minutes is for laser coaching, Q&A, and getting your marketing questions answered.

Thursday, November 21 from 11-12:30 p.m. Mountain time

Thursday, December 11 from 11-12:30 p.m. Mountain time


The program is $400 USD with payment options available.

2-pay option: $200 today and $200 in 30 days

3-pay option: $134 today and two payments of $133 every 30 days (total is $400)

Not sure if you vibe with my teaching style or this resonates? Register for the first workshop only for $47. You will get the recording if you can’t attend live.

This is For You if You:

  • Have a product and/or service ready to sell. (We don’t focus on designing your offers in this program.)
  • Desire to have a peaceful and nurturing relationship with your visibility and marketing.
  • Want to feel more clear, comfortable, and confident with sharing your work in the world.
  • Are not willing to hustle your way to exhaustion in order to create “success.”
  • Know there are other possibilities to make the world a better place and you want to use your business as a vehicle to do that.
  • Are tired of the hype-filled formulas full of empty promises and want to change how business is done.
  • Want to trust yourself more and create marketing plans that align with who you are.

*A few things we don’t do here:
Toxic positivity. Spiritual bypassing. Diet culture. Ignoring oppressive systems. Ignoring or bypassing people’s lived experiences, especially those with marginalized identities.

“Just a note to say thank you again for your course. I have a much calmer approach to things now.”

Care Messer

Birth Educator



What if I have a question? Are there live Q&A sessions?

I will answer questions during the last 15 minutes of each live call. There is a way to submit your questions before and during the call to ensure I get to as many questions as possible.

There are also two office hour calls where I will answer questions as well. See the schedule for details.

I live in another country or another continent, do you offer the live calls at another time?

I offer live calls for the times that I have the capacity for and unfortunately, I’m not able to offer call times at another time. This means that folks in the Australia-Asia time zones either get to get up super early or not be able to attend. I wish I could be available for more time zones.

How long do I get access to the program for?

You get lifetime access to the bonus mini-classes, online modules, and recordings of the live calls.

If I ever retire the program, you will be able to download specific resources for you to refer to as you need.

Will this be another course I never finish?

You mean you’ve bought things in the past but they just sit on your computer??? <gasp>

Yeah, I know, I’ve done that, too.

This is why I have created this program to include live training along with short online learning modules making the content easier to digest and take action on.

I encourage you to attend the live calls – and I know that life happens. Honor your pace and capacity to show up where you can.

You have lifetime access to the material to utilize the material whenever you need.

How much money will I make?

If you’re looking for sexy income claims, then you might be hooked into toxic marketing promises and that’s not what we do here.

With consistent and aligned marketing, you will likely make more money, especially over the life of your business.

You will learn how to market yourself so you never have to cram yourself into someone else’s one-size-fits-all formula ever again. Depending on your income goals, this could equate to adding sustainable income from your business.

Will the calls be recorded?

Yes, all calls are recorded and uploaded into an online learning portal where you will access the recordings, slides, handouts, and bonus materials.

You have lifetime access to this portal.

*A note about “lifetime.” If/when I retire this course, you’ll be notified and can download any pertinent materials.

But I really hate marketing? Will this work for me?

If you really hate marketing, I find there are three common reasons why:

1. Do you hate how you’ve been treated by other people’s marketing?

2. Or do you hate how you’ve been taught to market?

3. Or, is there some fear around being more visible?

If any or all of those three things are true for you, then this program will help you decondition all of those things.

What many of my students say is the Intuitive Marketing Methodâ„¢ has helped people heal their relationship with marketing.

Either way, if you’re willing and open to a new possibility with marketing, then this will be a great fit for you.

What is Trauma-Informed and Trauma-Informed Marketing?

Trauma-informed is more than just a buzzword in the coaching and online marketing spaces. 

It’s a deep commitment to create a space and work with people in a way that honors their lived experiences and what their nervous systems have experienced, including trauma.

You’re not alone if you think that trauma only refers to catastrophic experiences. This is the biggest misconception of what trauma is. Trauma can be many things and when things like Collective trauma (Covid, patriarchy, systemic oppression, etc) are impacting people’s nervous systems consciously and unconsciously, of course, it affects the way we run our business.

Trauma-informed Marketing is how we tend to people’s nervous systems, including our own, in addition to our goal of making money. It means using strategies that are designed to empower people to choose what’s best for them vs using manipulation, even if it’s subtle, to do anything to make the sale.

You’ll not only be experiencing trauma-informed marketing and facilitation by being a participant, but you’ll also learn specific tools and strategies that are trauma-informed so you can implement them into your own business.

What is Neuro-affirming?

As a neurodivergent entrepreneur myself, I understand that many traditional marketing strategies don’t always work for brains like ours.

While I’m not an expert in training neurodivergent adults, I create an inclusive environment that recognizes different learning styles and needs.

I offer flexible strategies and options to help you apply the material in a way that works best for you. Additionally, I do my best to meet accommodations within my capacity.




Email my team here:
hello @
(remove the spaces before and after the @ symbol)

Angella sitting on stairs wearing a dark teal green shirt with her hands folded slightly in front of her.

 About Your Guide: Angela Johnson

First, thank you for being here.

I’m passionate about slime-free marketing because I spent over $250,000 on coaches, courses, events, and trainings over about six years. At the end of that time, I was burned out, deflated, and wondered what was wrong with me that I couldn’t make my business work better.

I crossed that coveted 6-figure mark within the first year of my business only to realize I wasn’t any happier and my money situation was still in dire straights. I was just playing with bigger numbers in my bank account. More money was going out than coming in due to the high-ticket coaches I kept hiring.

In 2015, I broke up with toxic marketing and the mentors I paid tens of thousands of dollars to and that’s when I merged soul with strategy.

In 2017, I created what is now my core body of work, the Simple and Honest Marketing Method with one core goal: help people see that marketing can be easier and actually work without the hype, hustle, or burning out.

After years of teaching this method, I noticed that something was missing. I noticed that really brilliant people struggled with patterns of sabotage, shame, and lack of confidence.

But WHY??? That started my quest in deeper ways of healing, understanding the nervous system, and how trauma plays a role in business.

In 2022, I started a Master’s degree in Professional Communication with an emphasis on trauma-informed communication where I conducted IRB-approved research about how trauma impacts business owners. 

Alongside my research and personal healing, I have completed training programs and university-level classes about trauma and trauma-informed practices to be able to bring a trauma-informed foundation to my work and programs. I also bring a Parts Work emphasis to targeting mindset and fixed beliefs to my work. 

You can read more about my trainings, qualifications, and certifications below.

My training, certifications, and experience:


  • BA in Interdisciplinary Studies from Utah State University. Emphasis areas: Journalism, Graphic Design, and Advertising
  • (Current) M.A. in Professional Communication at Weber State University (Graduate in 2024)
  • (Current) M.A. in Community and Organizational Leadership with emphasis on Trauma-Informed Organizational Leadership (Graduate in 2025)

Additional Training:

  • Copywriting, Marketing, Content Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and Business Management
  • Certified Trauma of Money Facilitator
  • Certificate of completion for Cultivate, a trauma-informed program for facilitators
  • Certified in Copywriting for Culture Makers (awaiting final certification)
  • Trauma-informed coaching certification by Safe Space Institute (in process, completion date December 2023)
  • Focusing, a somatic-based coaching modality to effectively facilitate challenging patterns and behaviors (complete with level 2 in June 2023)
  • Self-Belief Academy coach to specifically target self-doubt (complete in December 2023)