There is another way...

What if you could grow your
business in a way that is
simple, fulfilling, profitable,
and yes, even joyful?


Angella Johnson in a green shirt and black jacket leaning against a white wall with a hallway and business offices behind her.

There is another way.

What if you could grow your business in a way that is simple, fulfilling, profitable, and yes, even joyful?


My Philosophy

The foundation of my work is supporting your nervous system, helping you build your self-trust, and being the person who believes that your biggest (and simplest) dreams are possible.

My approach is holistic because every person is unique and you can’t fit into someone else’s formula. 

Here’s the truth:

  • The most clever business strategies can’t compensate for a nervous system that is exhausted and dysregulated all of the time.
  • The most effective and sustainable marketing is simple.
  • You have your answers within you.
  • The best business model is the one that’s fulfilling, profitable, simple, and sustainable for you.

The Overview

| My Philosophy

| Who I Work With

| My Programs

| My Coaching System

| My Sales Process


The Overview

| My Philosophy

| Who I Work With

| My Programs

| My Coaching System

| My Sales Process


My Philosophy

The foundation of my work is supporting your nervous system, helping you build your self-trust, and being the person who believes that your biggest (and simplest) dreams are possible.

My approach is holistic because every person is unique and you can’t fit into someone else’s formula. 

Here’s the truth:

  • The most clever business strategies can’t compensate for a nervous system that is exhausted and dysregulated all of the time.
  • The most effective and sustainable marketing is simple.
  • You have your answers within you.
  • The best business model is the one that’s fulfilling, profitable, simple, and sustainable for you.

Who I Work With

My clients often have these things in common:

  • You have a lot of ideas and are not sure where to start sometimes.
  • You do powerful work in the world and are ready for more people to know about it.
  • Marketing hasn’t felt great or consistent and you’re ready for a different way.
  • You are guided by your intuition AND you like practical grounded steps and strategies.
  • You’re enraged (and even exhausted) at the oppressive systems in the world and want to do something about it.
  • You are ready to put your business into your holistic life vs trying to fit your life, hobbies, and passions into the spare time outside of your business.
  • You may have even had really crappy experiences with coaches and are weary about working with someone else. (I totally get this.)
  • You’re ready to do business differently – a way that prioritizes joy, rest, play, sustainability, profitability, and making an impact.
  • You are ready to grow your business while honoring your capacity and deepest desires, and while nurturing your nervous system. 

*I work with entrepreneurs and business owners who have been in business for three years or more and have offers they have sold. If you are in the very beginning stages of business or thinking about a business, I can make some referrals for you.

1:1 Ways You Can Work With Me


Getting clarity doesn’t have to take months. We spend a day together and you walk away with your big vision mapped out and ready to go. + you have support for 30 days after, too.

Private Coaching

Working with me means you get equal parts coaching and strategy – all through a trauma-informed lens so you make sure you’re deeply supported. 

Explore VIP Day Details

A VIP day is a great option for someone who is looking for quick clarity without having to wait months to get that clarity.  It’s like getting months of coaching in just one day. 

This is ideal for someone who is at least fairly established in business, but you’re in a void of some kind – you’re just not sure how to put all of your ideas together into a congruent plan. 

How it Works:

For virtual VIP Days, we spend 5 hours together. This is separated into two 2.5-hour sessions with breaks in between. We can split up the two sessions into two different days. 

For in-person VIP Days, we spend 7 hours together and this includes a spacious lunch and breaks. I hold VIP days in Ogden, UT (the nearest international airport is the SLC airport.)

After the VIP day, you have additional support for 30 days, which is detailed below.

Topics that we cover during your VIP Day are:

  • Marketing
  • Messaging
  • Business Model (offers and pricing)
  • Your mindset and nervous system to make sure you’re supported to embody your plan and take action.

You walk away with a clear plan and action items + there is additional support for 30 days.

What’s Included:

  • Prep work that is submitted 48 hours prior to the first meeting. This will provide initial clarity and a solid direction for our time together. A summary of what we covered along with clear action items.
  • The VIP Day
    You can choose between virtual or in-person.
  • Follow-up Support
    This starts immediately after the VIP Day so you don’t lose sight of your next steps and you take action on your plan that we create:
    + One 60-minute private coaching call with me
    + Voxer access for 30 days
    + Document review if needed (marketing materials, etc.)


Virtual VIP Day is $2,000 USD.

In-person VIP Day is $2,500 USD. (Airfare, transportation, and hotel stay if applicable is the responsibility of the client.)

VIP days are limited to 1-2 openings per month.

If you’re ready to book your VIP Day, you can go here:

To chat about the best option to support you, book a no-cost, no-pressure conversation with me here:

Explore Private Coaching

Coaching with me also means that you get a coach, a strategist, a copywriter & messaging specialist, a deep listener, and a person who has the tools to help you to get unstuck.

If you want to see my qualifications and areas of study, check out the “Qualifications” section below on this page.

Private Coaching is a great fit for you if you:

Have been in business for a minimum of three years.

Don’t practice bro marketing or boss babe strategies

Have sold your products or services before

Are ready for deep support by someone who genuinely cares about you as a person in addition to your success

Are seeking real coaching vs regurgitating advice + strategy that supports who you are vs fitting you into a formula

Coaching Packages are in 3-month increments and can include:

  • One to two 60-minute sessions per month
  • Voxer support in between sessions
  • Deep-dive 90-minute planning sessions to map out quarterly goals, events, and/or launches.
  • Document review and editing support
  • Co-writing sessions where we create your marketing content together (I no longer provide copywriting as a done-for-you service.)
  • Website and marketing material review
  • VIP Day(s)

Private coaching starts at $1,000 USD per month.

3-month packages

To chat about the best option to support you, book a no-cost, no-pressure conversation with me here:

If you have a quick question about my programs, you can email hello[@]
(remove the brackets when copying and pasting)

Ready to explore working together? Schedule a no-cost, no-pressure conversation with me here.

1:1 Ways You Can Work With Me

Private Coaching

Working with me means you get equal parts coaching and strategy – all through a trauma-informed lens so you make sure you’re deeply supported.

Explore Private Coaching

Coaching with me also means that you get a coach, a strategist, a copywriter & messaging specialist, a deep listener, and a person who has the tools to help you to get unstuck.

If you want to see my qualifications and areas of study, check out the “Qualifications” section below on this page.

Private Coaching is a great fit for you if you:

Have been in business for a minimum of three years.

Don’t practice bro marketing or boss babe strategies

Have sold your products or services before

Are ready for deep support by someone who genuinely cares about you as a person in addition to your success

Are seeking real coaching vs regurgitating advice + strategy that supports who you are vs fitting you into a formula

Coaching Packages are in 3-month increments and can include:

  • One to two 60-minute sessions per month
  • Voxer support in between sessions
  • Deep-dive 90-minute planning sessions to map out quarterly goals, events, and/or launches.
  • Document review and editing support
  • Co-writing sessions where we create your marketing content together (I no longer provide copywriting as a done-for-you service.)
  • Website and marketing material review
  • VIP Day(s)

Private coaching starts at $1,000 USD per month.

3-month packages

To chat about the best option to support you, book a no-cost, no-pressure conversation with me here:


Getting clarity doesn’t have to take months. We spend a day together and you walk away with your big vision mapped out and ready to go. + you have support for 30 days after, too.

Explore VIP Day Details

A VIP day is a great option for someone who is looking for quick clarity without having to wait months to get that clarity.  It’s like getting months of coaching in just one day. 

This is ideal for someone who is at least fairly established in business, but you’re in a void of some kind – you’re just not sure how to put all of your ideas together into a congruent plan. 

How it Works:

For virtual VIP Days, we spend 5 hours together. This is separated into two 2.5-hour sessions with breaks in between. We can split up the two sessions into two different days. 

For in-person VIP Days, we spend 7 hours together and this includes a spacious lunch and breaks. I hold VIP days in Ogden, UT (the nearest international airport is the SLC airport.)

After the VIP day, you have additional support for 30 days, which is detailed below.

Topics that we cover during your VIP Day are:

  • Marketing
  • Messaging
  • Business Model (offers and pricing)
  • Your mindset and nervous system to make sure you’re supported to embody your plan and take action.

You walk away with a clear plan and action items + there is additional support for 30 days.

What’s Included:

  • Prep work that is submitted 48 hours prior to the first meeting. This will provide initial clarity and a solid direction for our time together. A summary of what we covered along with clear action items.
  • The VIP Day
    You can choose between virtual or in-person.
  • Follow-up Support
    This starts immediately after the VIP Day so you don’t lose sight of your next steps and you take action on your plan that we create:
    + One 60-minute private coaching call with me
    + Voxer access for 30 days
    + Document review if needed (marketing materials, etc.)


Virtual VIP Day is $2,000 USD.

In-person VIP Day is $2,500 USD. (Airfare, transportation, and hotel stay if applicable is the responsibility of the client.)

VIP days are limited to 1-2 openings per month.

If you’re ready to book your VIP Day, you can go here:

To chat about the best option to support you, book a no-cost, no-pressure conversation with me here:

If you have a quick question about my programs, you can email hello[@]
(remove the brackets when copying and pasting)

Ready to explore working together? Schedule a no-cost, no-pressure conversation with me here.

Group Programs

Messaging: 6-month group program

Overview of WORD
Messaging and Copywriting are the essential foundation of your marketing.

This 6-month group program is offered once per year and is focused on teaching you how to craft your compelling message without using pain points or FOMO. You’ll create your message and content + boost your visibility.

Investment: $2,500 USD

Get the full details and join the waitlist to save $500 right here:


Marketing: three options are available

Overview of your options

The Intuitive Marketing Method™ is provided in three options:

1. A kickstart bundle that is instant access so you can get started with the basics right away. (Available March 2023)

2. A 7-week live course that is taught live twice per year.

3. A 6-month group program that provides a trauma-informed experience in marketing, sales, and visibility. 

    For the 7-week course or the 6-month program, join the waitlist here:

    My Coaching System

    With my private clients, here is the system we work through:

    *Depending on how long the duration is and what stage of business the client is in, we may work through all of these things or just a portion. Regardless, the work is done through a trauma-informed lens.

    Why a trauma-informed approach? If your nervous system and beliefs aren’t on board with your marketing strategy, you will find a way to stop yourself. More “mindset” work won’t work. Why? Because it’s not addressing your lived experiences or how your nervous system is operating because of those experiences. 

    You can’t override your intuition or nervous system with the best strategies in the world. 

    In the work I do, I focus on both the strategy and the soul. 

    Trauma-informed is not the same as being licensed or certified to help an individual process trauma. To understand what I mean by trauma-informed, read this blog.

    *If you are in an acute trauma response or have significant unhealed trauma, I recommend that you seek professional mental health support before you engage in coaching or alongside coaching depending on what you need and have the capacity for.

    More About the Work I do with Clients:

    Every client is different and depending on the duration of our coaching container, what stage of business you’re in, and what your goals are, we may address one, some, or all of these components:

    1. Your Business Model

    Are you building the business you want to actually be building? Before we get to the message and marketing, we look at your business model and review your offers and pricing.

    2. Your Message

    First, I help you extract the core message for your business (what you do and who you serve). Then we curate the message for your offers. We craft the words that are authentic to you and help distinguish you in your market.

    3. Your Marketing

    We’ll craft your 1-page marketing plan in a way that honors your strengths and unique goals. You’ll be able to focus on a few core items and not feel like you have to be doing all of the things all of the time in order to grow your business.

    4. Inspired Action & Systems

    Visioning and planning are often what entrepreneurs are great at. The implementation? That’s not as fun, right? Taking action is much easier when you’re doing things in alignment and nurturing your nervous system along the way.

    5. The Foundation: Self-Trust & Nervous System Support

    Your strategies are only as successful as your nervous system feels safe.

    Visibility? That’s your nervous system. Confidence? That’s your nervous system. Your relationship with money? Yep, also your nervous system.

    This is why my work is trauma-informed and I get ongoing education and training to support my clients.

    Angella Johnson smiling

    My Sales Process

    If you’ve ever been taught the slimy sales tactics that are so common in coaching or you’ve engaged with someone about their services and you experienced manipulation, high-pressure sales or any other number of gross tactics, you might be wondering what it’s like to explore working with me. 

    Transparency is a core value of mine and so here’s an overview of how I do sales so your nervous system can know how this all works and you can be supported in choosing what’s best for you.

    My Sales Process:

    In this section, I outline my process so you know exactly what to expect and your nervous system feels safe and supported to choose what’s best for you.

    Overall, I welcome questions and feedback. I value accountability, transparency, and connection.

    My intention is that throughout the sales process, you will be supported to choose what’s truly best for you.


    – You will find pricing on all of my services.

    – I don’t charge extra for payment plans on any of my programs, including 1:1 work.

    – If someone needs a more flexible payment option, I’m happy to explore that as well.

    – For my digital courses, I may offer full or partial scholarships.

    Group Programs:

    For questions about my group programs or courses, send an email to [email protected].

    For WORD and Intuitive Marketing Method, join the waitlist to be notified when doors are open and to receive $500 off of your registration. (*Alumni rate has its own rate.)

    1:1 Work:

    1. If you resonate with my philosophy and what I offer is what you’re looking for, then the first step is to get familiar with my programs by exploring the options above.

    2. Then, I invite you to book a 45-minute Exploration call with me here.

    Here’s what to expect on that call: 

    I honor what’s a yes or no for you. My job is not to overcome objections and convince you of anything. You’ll be supported to make the best decision for you in the time that you need.

    I don’t expect decisions to be made while we’re on the phone together. You can take your time to make your decision.

    We’ll spend 45 minutes connecting where I’ll ask you questions about your top challenges and goals. And you’ll have the opportunity to ask me questions.

    If there is a fit for how I can support you, I’ll let you know what I recommend.

    If we’re not a fit or the timing isn’t quite right, I’ll give you some recommendations of other people to consider working with or some steps you can take until the timing is right. 

    3. If we decide to work together, then I’ll send you a confirmation email that will contain five things:

    A. An agreement that outlines our work together.
    This agreement is not the typical legal language. It’s to create clear communication to start our coaching container in the right way. You can add elements to the agreement that are important to you to make sure you’re heard and supported.

    B. A payment link.
    For payments, I don’t charge extra for payment options. Once you initiate your first payment. If you choose a monthly payment option, my system will automatically bill your payment method every month for the duration of your payment plan. 

    C. A scheduling link to book your first session.

    D. A Google Doc for your prep work.
    This is an in-depth intake form to prepare for our work together. The process itself helps you create clarity and when I review your prep work, then I can show up completely present to your top goals and objectives for our work together. This helps me to dive right into our work together on our first session rather than using the first couple of sessions to understand your goals.

    E. A request to send me your Human Design chart.
    I am NOT a Human Design expert, however, I have studied core essentials as it relates to marketing. Plus it’s really helpful to know what your design is so I know how to ask you better questions, how you make decisions, and some other information that helps me coach you better.

    4. After the details in your confirmation email are complete then we begin!

    Typically in the first 1-2 sessions, we dive into many aspects so we can see what’s missing and put the puzzle pieces together.

    Every client is different and we focus on the core goals that you have.

    — Did I not cover something you have a question about? Let me know by emailing me: [email protected].