In order to find out where you want to go, you must first find out where you are. It’s like when someone is lost and they call to get directions. In order for them to be directed on where to go, they must first find out where they are.
For example, personally I am recommitting to my vibrant health and releasing some extra weight I’ve “attracted” for the the past two years. I was gauging my results from how I was feeling and how my clothes fit. I was consciously avoiding the scale.
I don’t believe in having my scale rule my life and I admire some health mentors who have thrown out their scale because they are so in tune with their bodies that they don’t need to even look at the numbers.
Let’s be honest. I’m not there yet. So I did a brave thing and I stepped on the scale. When I saw the number I was immediately clear of where I’m at and where I get to go on this weight release and vibrant health journey. It propelled me into action because it wasn’t as easy to justify the current results I was creating. Taking ownership of where I am at empowered me to create my desired results.
The same goes for owning the numbers in your business. When you look at the bottom line in your business there is no more justifying or “waiting” for things to improve by themselves. Looking at the numbers is the only way to know where to cut back, add more resources or maintain.
Now here is the tricky part for many entrepreneurs. We are often right-brained, visionary folks who cringe at the thought of bookkeeping, filing and financial projections. Here is the good news: When we stop trying to do everything ourselves, we outsource what we don’t want. There is always a win/win. There is someone who loves to do what you hate to do.
When you educate ourselves on the numbers then you are empowered to find the perfect solutions and people to assist you in building the financial foundation of your business.
So whether it’s looking at the numbers on the scale or the numbers in your business, just bite the bullet and do it. It’s freeing and absolutely necessary for you to build your dreams. Without knowing where you are, it’s impossible to find a new direction to get you where you want to go.
Free Biz Divas Accounting 101 workshop on Tuesday, November 3 in Draper, UT.
- Are you getting the most out of your deductions?
- Do you know what you can write off and what you can’t?
- How do you easily track it, especially when numbers and bookkeeping are just not your thing?
Endyo Group and The Accredited Network: The Accredited Network was started by Garret Gunderson who is revolutionizing wealth education. If you are ready for paradigm shift and to take ownership of your wealth and financial freedom, I highly recommend Nate Guggia and Ryan O’Shea. (Endyo Group is a division of The Accredited Network.)
Nate and Ryan are incredible and because of my association with them, they are offering their introductory process complimentary (normally starts at $1,500) to people I know. Contact them at: (801) 304-7797 or at nate [@]theaccreditednetwork [.] com