Choosing to Market Beyond Pain Points
If you’re a coach who’s dedicated to helping people transform something in their life, stop asking what’s their top challenge.
What can you ask instead? I share some empowering questions to get people out of pain points and INTO possibilities. You’ll feel a lot better about marketing this way and your clients will be empowered from the very beginning.
Your values-driven content can restore faith in humanity
How do we use our marketing and content as a change for good? As a contribution to the good in humanity?
You have something important to say. Don’t wait for things to be perfect.
The power of content can restore someone’s faith in humanity.

It’s Time to Pivot
We’re all aware of what’s happening around us. We’re faced with two realities right now: a pandemic and a recession. It’s quite the 2-for-1 sale! (It’s not funny, but I have to find reasons to laugh.) 😂 Important: I’ll be...
Scheduling Tips to Have Space to Create What Matters
How to create a schedule (even if you’re a creative soul who hates structure) that prioritizes YOU and the money-making actions in your business.
Plus, I share two vital tools to organize your time. I share some details about my Soul Vision Planner as it’s one of my favorite planning tools. I know I’m biased, but for a good reason!
IMPORTANT NOTE: I use to completely resist making a schedule or following any sort of structure. My creative rebellious self refused to do it. BUT, this structure creates freedom and peace. So if you’re resisting all of this, I invite you to try it on.

Bootstrapping Your Business Part 1: What You DON’T Need
I bootstrapped my business at the very beginning and you can do it, too. This article is really for people in the beginning stages of business and feeling overwhelmed with all of the things they “should” do.
Would it be awesome to have someone hand you $20k to get all of the stuff I’m talking about in this article? Sure. Is it necessary? Nope. I think bootstrapping things also builds a great discernment muscle between what an investment in your business vs what’s an expense.
There are a lot of things you think you *might* need but you really don’t. You can get clients without these things that I mention.
All you need to get your first client is the willingness to talk with people and invite them to buy what you have.
Sounds easy, right? But we complicate this SO much.
All of the things I list below, with the exception of #7, are great things to have. BUT if you are in the beginning stages of bootstrapping your business, consider that you don’t need these things.