It’s either a mirror or toleration

It’s either a mirror or toleration

I’ve been in home improvement mode the past two weeks. It’s true, all of the power tools my husband and I own are technically mine. It’s just one of the great things that I brought to our relationship. There is something so bad @$$ about holding a power drill. Lol I’m...
How I Fell in Love with My Biz Again

How I Fell in Love with My Biz Again

When you love your business you make a bigger impact, you make more money and it will support the priorities in your life too. You are going to see some changes from me over the next several weeks. I’ll be rebranding and narrowing in on my focus to the businesses I...

Manifesting Secret for a FAB 2013

I’m not a fan of setting resolutions, however I am a big fan of using your intuition to create your plan.  Yep I just used the words INTUITION and PLAN in the same sentence. I did it for a good reason too. Before I get into this week’s specific marketing...