by Angela Johnson | Aug 8, 2013 | Inspiration
I’ve been in home improvement mode the past two weeks. It’s true, all of the power tools my husband and I own are technically mine. It’s just one of the great things that I brought to our relationship. There is something so bad @$$ about holding a power drill. Lol I’m...
by Angela Johnson | Jul 24, 2013 | Inspiration, Resources and Invitations
This past weekend was amazing. Wow! It was moment after moment of bliss, gratitude and joy. My eyes leaked several times with overflowing gratitude. I took an Akashic Record reading class from the amazing Alexis Logan and I cannot wait to start using this in my work...
by Angela Johnson | Jul 19, 2013 | Biz Tips, Inspiration, Real Life
I’ve been back from Kenya for almost two weeks and the question “How was your trip?” is something that can’t be answered in a couple of minutes. Well, do you have an hour or two? How many tissues do you have so when I cry I don’t become a total snotty, teary mess? It...
by Angela Johnson | Jun 10, 2013 | Inspiration, Real Life
I have just a few days left in Italy before I fly back to London and meet up with the World of Difference group and we head to Kenya together for 17 days. My Eat, Pray, Love journey continues… I’ve eaten more carbs than I’ve had in a very long time....
by Angela Johnson | May 5, 2013 | Biz Tips, Inspiration
When you love your business you make a bigger impact, you make more money and it will support the priorities in your life too. You are going to see some changes from me over the next several weeks. I’ll be rebranding and narrowing in on my focus to the businesses I...
by Angela Johnson | Jan 8, 2013 | Inspiration
I’m not a fan of setting resolutions, however I am a big fan of using your intuition to create your plan. Yep I just used the words INTUITION and PLAN in the same sentence. I did it for a good reason too. Before I get into this week’s specific marketing...