by Angela Johnson | Mar 1, 2011 | Inspiration
Lately I’ve been sharing more of my “story” of how I overcame years of depression, a decade-long eating disorder and seeing a family member cope with a drug addiction. My only intention in sharing this is to let people know that REAL life happens and...
by Angela Johnson | Jan 2, 2011 | Inspiration
I keep hearing “you know you are living your purpose if there is ease and flow.” What does that mean? I’m confused by this. I see brilliant entrepreneurs quit in the middle of their process because they didn’t feel like it was easy or in the...
by Angela Johnson | Jan 2, 2011 | Inspiration
I know your inbox is getting full of emails that start with “Can you believe that 2011 is almost here?” “Wow what a 2010…” And while I appreciate all of the New Year’s Wishes, I have a few mixed thoughts on 2010. I’m going to...
by Angela Johnson | Nov 1, 2009 | Biz Tips, Inspiration
In order to find out where you want to go, you must first find out where you are. It’s like when someone is lost and they call to get directions. In order for them to be directed on where to go, they must first find out where they are. For example, personally I...
by Angela Johnson | Oct 16, 2009 | Biz Tips, Inspiration
If you are an busy mom, women-preneur or executive, ask yourself when you really gave yourself permission to just BE and receive some pampering. When was the last time you took a bath or spent even a few quiet minutes listening to your soul? I have recently...