Episode 41: What’s the difference between coaching, consulting, and implementing? with guest Syndee Hendricks
In this interview, Syndee Hendricks, talks about true leadership and how to find the right support for you. Is it possible to be over-coached? Syndee talks about the dangers of over-buying and some helpful tips on implementing as well.
Episode 40: Audacious Asks to Create Anything with guest Jennifer Covington
What happens when you end your career in marketing and join the Peace Corps for three years? In Jennifer’s case, she got a glimpse of what it REALLY means to empower business owners to create a sustainable business.
Episode 39: Shadow Work + Writing Your Book for You with guest Morrighan Lynne
When you’re guided to let go of your business completely and go into the unknown space where your identity is released, your routine is gone, and everything you thought you KNEW has changed, what do you do?
Episode 37: Creating Beyond Your Limitations with guest Christel Crawford
Christel Crawford is an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator. She’s created a multi-figured online coaching & facilitation business that continues to expand, and thrives on the miracle of you, changing, and let’s face it, a well-crafted landing page.