“How you do your money is how you do everything.” I’ve heard it before but Kendall Summerhawk reminded me of this at her event I’m attending.
Are you telling yourself all kinds of “stories” about why you can’t invest in something, pay someone back or charge what you are worth? Your money stories are your blah, blah, blah and it’s killing your profits in your business.
Your money blah, blah, blah often sounds like this:
- The economy is hard and people aren’t buying right now.
- I don’t know how to afford this (meanwhile you have a storage shed full of STUFF you aren’t using and you could sell or you have other untapped hidden income.)
- My spouse won’t let me do this. (This requires a powerful conversation so you have an understanding of what is possible.)
- I’ll work with you if we can do a trade. (If you don’t know how I despise most trades then you can read about it here.)
- I’m not feeling inspired so I’ll market when I feel inspired.
- I can’t get the help I need because I can’t afford it.
Your blah, blah, blah is your money stories that are keeping you stuck, broke and in victim-ville.
The first step to change your money stories is to make a decision of what you want. People often avoid making a decision because then they would have to be accountable for their results.
The money that is or isn’t in your bank account is your accountability. It’s proof of your previous thoughts, beliefs and actions. The good news is you can change it any time. So what do you decide?
What do you want?
Do you want to work with 10 more clients by the end of the year?
Do you want to make an additional $10,000 of NEW money by Christmas?
Take a moment right now and get clear.
The second step is to do whatever it takes. I mean literally whatever it takes.
I remember the first time I invested in a high-end business coach. I had a couple hundred dollars in the bank. I wasn’t sure how I was going to pay my bills.
Meanwhile, I had a huge amount of guilt that I was putting all of the financial responsibilities on my husband. Our lifestyle was dramatically different. Our date night was investing in our $19.99 Netflix monthly bill and microwave popcorn. Eating out was a luxury. Going to a movie was a luxury.
But I was determined. I made the decision to hire a coach because I had been doing it “my way” for two years and I could no longer lie to myself and say that it was working. It wasn’t working. Life wasn’t supposed to feel like that if I was supposedly living my passion.
So I did it. I got on the phone and I started talking to people. I sold things. I did what I needed to do to make that first month’s payment.
I did the same thing the next month.
I also did whatever my coach told me to do and I started making money. (Even when I wanted to throw up or run away…and even when I told myself that maybe my old life wasn’t so bad after all. I always came back to the truth of I deserved better and it was up to me to make it happen.)
My life couldn’t be more different today because I took the leap of faith. And I continue to leap. And it’s scary every time.
The Money Truths that Result in Profit Every Single Time:
- Using money is an excuse to not do in your life will repel money from coming in your life. Money is never the reason to not do something. Even reframing it like “I CHOOSE to invest my money in this right now.” Instead of “I can’t afford that.” Stop using money as the scapegoat and own your choices.
- The breakthrough your clients actually want happens in their investment. If you don’t let your client invest then you are robbing them of owning their value. The level of which someone is willing to invest in themselves is the level of how valuable they think they are. Don’t take that away from someone.
- If you have money excuses then your clients can use money excuses. People will mirror your money excuses.
- Stop discounting your services. Rather than give a discount, add a valuable fast-acting bonus. (A fast-acting bonus is when someone makes a decision and acts quickly so you give them a reward of a fast-action bonus.)
- LADIES – STOP giving your services away for free! Please stop doing this. You are not only ripping yourself off but you are ripping off your “clients” from the power of investing in themselves.
- This is the biggest breakdown I see with entrepreneurs:
If you aren’t investing in yourself how in the world do you expect clients to invest in you? When you can personally speak about how you managed to do whatever it took to invest in your life and business then you can empower others to do the same thing.
If you haven’t paid a coach $2,000 a month yet you are launching a program that is $2,000 a month do you see how it’s out of alignment? When people tell you they aren’t sure how they can afford that and you say “You can find the money if you really want this,” it’s out of alignment with your truth because you have never done that.
When you uplevel, your clients will uplevel. Those clients who aren’t ready to uplevel will spin off. Let them. It’s not your job to save them.
It’s your job to serve the new level of clients who are now ready to work with you because you now match what they are looking for. Save yourself and empower others to step up to being their commitment of what they say they want. Love your money and money will love you.
Invest in yourself. It’s worth it every time.
With Love and Success,