Working with hundreds of entrepreneurs since 2009, it comes down to do things:
Last week I hosted a group call with my mastermind clients and everyone had the big picture of what they wanted to do: three more clients this month, launch their teleclass, host their first workshop and more.
After I asked each person what their intention was, their next question to answer is where they felt blocked.
For every single person it came down to either:
- They didn’t know what to do and it was usually a technology related thing,
- They didn’t have the confidence to go out there and just do it.
When I get stuck in my own business, it’s one of the same two things or a combination of the two.
I’m reminded of something my grandmother told me when I interviewed her a few years ago.
Me: “What advice do you have for women to live a fulfilled and thriving life?
My grandma: “You’ve just got to go out there and do stuff. You can’t wait for someone to do it for you, especially a man. Be independent. Just try something and you’ll be amazed at how you can actually do it.”
She then gave me an example of how she didn’t have the physical strength to carry the full load of wood shingles to the other side of her house that she was redoing. Mind you she was about 65 at this time and yes she was shingling her house herself.
She didn’t want to wait for her son to come out for his weekly “how are you doing visit.”
So she cut off the metal strips around the shingles and by the handful she put them in a wheel barrow until she got a few dozen in the wheel barrow. Then she pushed the wheel barrow around to where she wanted. And when the wheel barrow got stuck, her sister would take one handle, my grandma had the other, and they would push the wheel barrow forward.
The picture is of my grandma and her sister Kathy, here they are all dressed up in their Sunday outfits knowing that they would be getting their picture taken. They are knitting sweaters for the kids in Kenya that I’ll see next year when I go back to do some more humanitarian work. Ya, they are pretty amazing women!
So let’s address both: what to do and how to unblock the mindset junk holding you back.
What to do:
The first question to ask yourself every day is what are the money-making activities you need to do each day? This means where are you actively marketing and asking for the business?
Then you have to make sure that your marketing systems are set up (way to accept payment, get a contract, have people opt in to your teleclass, email folks the details for your teleclass, etc.
A great way to get strategy sessions is to host a free training, like a teleclass or webinar.
In case the technology trips you up with how to set up a teleclass or webinar, I’ve included my guide here for you. This doesn’t talk about the messaging and how to select a topic that will sell, this goes into the technology of how to set it all up. Even if you have a VA, you need to know this so you can direct the process well. Or if you don’t know what to give a VA, this guide tells you exactly what to ask.
So now you can no longer use the excuse that you don’t know “how” to set up a teleclass, it’s all right here. How to create opt in page
There are so many strategies you can use to build your business and get clients. If you are just starting out and don’t have an email list or a really small one, hosting a webinar or teleclass is a great way to “sell” free strategy sessions.
Having your solid message that directly addresses what your ideal market is looking for is this equation. (your message + the technology to market)
Next Up: How to Move Through the Fear
Now let’s talk about the most important conversation you are having in your business, and that is the conversation happening in between your ears.
Your mindset. Your self talk.
Is it full of doubt?
Or are you doing just fine, then out of nowhere, some fear comes up that almost seems crippling.
Or maybe you are facing that damn sabotage that comes in the form of life stuff happening (getting sick, car breaking down, etc).
When I work with my clients, the fear comes up in two primary areas: fear of visibility and money blocks.
Fear of visibility can show up like this:
You’ll give your clients the first month free (or a discount somewhere else).
Who would you have to BE in order to charge premium pricing without any discounts?
You’ll market something once and then stop because you don’t want to be too pushy.
Who would you have to be to keep marketing until your program is full? This will likely mean that non-ideal clients will get annoyed by being “sold to.”
There are many other ways this shows up, but these are often times deeply rooted issues. Guess what? Healing them doesn’t have to be a long-drawn out painful process.
It can be as easy as:
1. Make the decision that you are done with that belief and create a new belief. Then start acting on that new belief to anchor it in and create a new neuropathway in your brain.
2. Keep taking action. When you notice the habit pop up where you would normally hide out or shut down, keep taking action and give yourself a new experience. You need NEW proof that your new belief works and taking action and getting an actual result is the perfect proof.
If you wait until you “feel confident” and totally “ready” before you take action, you will be waiting a very long time.
3. Get some healing around it. If your blocks are linked to a traumatic event like abuse, I always recommend either professional help or a good resource for myself, my clients and colleagues has been a Shamanic Soul Integration session. My go-to people for Shamanic work are Paula Mosier and Michele Grace.
4. Seek insight about the root of the blocks. Often times it’s simple stuff from when you were a kid and you just need it to be witnessed and validated so you can release it. If you believe in past lives, it can be linked to that.
When I do Akashic Record readings for people, past life stuff comes up frequently. The cool thing is if past lives are not a part of your belief system, then it doesn’t come up. Your beliefs are your own. Knowing where the belief came from is a simple pain-free process and with that awareness, you can now more easily choose a new belief – one that means you are totally safe and abundant when you speak your truth.
I also love the book The Emotion Code for awesome healing.
If you have support in knowing what to do and how to move beyond the visibility and money blocks, then that is a great way to keep up your momentum.
One thing I also recommend is my Money and Marketing retreat. One is happening March 14-15 in Salt Lake City, UT and another one is happening in June this year in Park City, UT. These retreats go through the exact how-tos of your marketing and you heal money and visibility blocks that are holding you back.
If you want to get a taste of how this retreat will be, then join one of my upcoming Intuitive Business Circles for only $47. This is a circle of 6-8 women where you will get a mini Akashic record reading to answer your top questions in your business and uncover your money and visibility blocks.