soulsunday-10-18-15bOnline marketing is the craze right? Or at least it used to be.

You should do more videos, more social media, more emails, more webinars, more things online.

You can make money while you sleep if you’re online.

We’ve heard it all before and it can actually work for people.

But here is a trend, especially for Soulpreneurs, that I’m seeing more and more: people are tired of online. They are tired of the hype like webinars that are 20% content, 30% fluff and 50% selling.

We’re tired of it. We’ve seen it all. It’s time for real connection.

Definitely stay online, but what I’m telling you is to not put all of your eggs in one basket.

Get offline. Meet people face-to-face. Build relationships in person. Connect with people in person.

More and more people want an in-person experience.

{So yes, that means get off of Facebook and meet real-life people. And this is coming from someone who loves Facebook a little too much sometimes.}

Case in point:
I met David from Seattle, WA while we were both traveling in Rome, Italy this month!

I met David in Rome while we were both traveling there!

I met David in Rome while we were both traveling there!

David and I have been Facebook friends and I “knew” him after he attended the livestream version of my Event Revoltion event in Feburary 2015.

When I saw that he was going to be in Rome the same time I was, I messaged him about meeting up. Turns out he was staying a couple of streets over from where I was staying to so we met for caffe’ in front of the Colosseum.

The conversation we had in an hour in person was beyond anything that we could have just had on Facebook. In fact, our conversation really impacted me and I’m so grateful for that time.

soulsunday-10-18-15Four questions to ask yourself to create programs that will sell better (they’ll sell better for you if they resonate with you!):

  1. Do you like learning content in one day, or spread out over self-paced modules over several weeks?
  2. Do you like the energy of seeing people face-to-face or online? Or both?
  3. What engagement do you personally need to to show up weekly on a webinar (as an example) for six weeks?
  4. When you think about how you like to learn and buy, are you creating your programs in a similar way?

Not that it has to be the same, however if you are trying to sell something that you would never buy then you can see where that can become a money leak in your business.

I realize that my preferred way of learning is to get together with people and learn it all at once, rather than online modules over weeks.

I was taking a group of people through my Marketing with Soul Bootcamp, which is eight modules. Half-way through the program I realized that it was just too many weeks and if it were me, I would want to implement the information all in one day.

So I invited the participants to join me for one full day where we went through all of the modules and they implemented the content into their business the same day.

It was a lot of fun, it was highly effective and the participants loved it!

{Don’t be afraid to follow the energy of a group or program even after you’ve launched it. Your clients will love you for it.}

Are you creating offline experiences for people? Or have you been convinced that online is the what you “should” focus on?

Two really important things to note if you want to increase your cash flow and sell higher end packages:

  1. Offline marketing can generate cash flow more quickly than online strategies.
  2. Offline marketing can generate higher price points than online strategies.
  3. Giving people an offline experience (in-person) you will create a movement faster than what you can do online.

There are always exceptions, but these are key foundations to a sustainable business and creating a movement that impacts people in profound ways.

Here are some offline strategies you can focus on:


I know, I know – the dreaded networking word. Relationships I created years ago by showing up monthly in the same room with people have been tremendous support for my business and have turned into great friends.

Find a group that resonates with you and be consistent with it.

I ran a Utah-based networking group for four years and was amazed when I saw this happen:
Someone would attend once and never come back. When I had the opportunity to ask them why, 90% of the time they said because they didn’t get business from attending.

Do you see the problem with this? If you attend once AND your focus is all about what you can GET, then good luck getting business.

If you attend consistently and your focus is about what you can give and receive, then you’ll have better success.

Networking can also occur by attending people’s events. When people get on a plane and go somewhere, they are typically a more dedicated client/prospect.

When I first started out I attended one event a quarter that was out of my home state. The relationships I built then (almost five years ago) are still people I know and joint venture with today.


Hosting 2-hour or 1/2-day workshops can grow your business faster than hosting a monthly webinar. Especially if you are the kind of teacher that loves interacting with energy in the room, you can see people and really tune in to the energy instead of guessing how people are reacting online or over the phone.


I talked to a client the other day who spoke to 17 women at a local gym. She had an outline and when she got to the room, she tossed the outline aside and just followed the energy in the room. The women opened up, a couple even had tears in their eyes because how deeply they were moved, and everyone had raving feedback. My client loved how it felt to be in the same room with these women.

Speaking can be like this, to a 17 women at a local gym, to paying to be a sponsor at a multi-day event.

Networking groups, Meetup groups and events are always looking for speakers.

There are three speaking models to look at:

  1. Speak for free (you generate leads by giving a free gift and follow up with people that way. Your money comes from the follow up. A common strategy is to invite people into a webinar or into strategy sessions where you make an offer.)
  2. Get paid to speak (you typically don’t generate leads and your money comes from the speakers fee.)
  3. Pay to speak. To some people this is unheard of and I’ll sponsor an event all day long if it’s in front of the right people because I know I can make more money with my follow up than what a speaker’s fee will pay).

Host Your Own Event

This is one of my favorite strategies and has been a key element in my 6-figure business.

I’ve hosted intimate groups of 4-6 women in my living room to hosting 200+ people at a multi-day, multi-speaker event I’ve hosted.

Hosting a live event can be a small workshop (2 hours to a full day or a workshop series), a retreat, or a multi-day event. Audience sizes can be a handful to hundreds, it all depends on your style, time and ability to market and your intention.

If hosting your live event is intriguing but you aren’t sure where to start, then I’m teaching you everything you need to know at Luminosity.

luminosity_headers-1000Which ever strategy you decide to run with, consider this:

Offline strategies create faster cash flow and require you to get more visible. Are you willing? Sound fun? Maybe I’ll see you at Luminosity!