The void – we’ve all been there and we’ll be there again. The “void” is a sexy way of saying you’re pivoting in business. But it’s far from sexy, isn’t it? It’s downright uncomfortable.

👇 If you’re here to find the PDF and audio guide I created about how to navigate through this void, that is at the bottom of this post. 

What’s the void?

It’s the space in between what is now complete and what has yet to come.

It’s the moment when one chapter of our life and/or business is no longer working or fulfilling and we know there is something more.

But what is it? How do we let go of what we have to make room for what’s next? How do we trust that the clarity comes for our next step or will we be stuck in the void forever?

I’ve been in the void. I’ll be there again. And so will you.

I’m now coming out of a pretty big void – a big shift in my business and it took a few years for all of the pieces to fall into place. The puzzle pieces that are fitting together came from the most unexpected places. (I started grad school in January 2022!)

Does that mean that my life stopped and totally sucked for a few years? Um, we were all going through a global pandemic so things sucked for a LOT of people during that time… 

But no, my life didn’t stop. It was hard. And I felt a surprising amount of peace during that time – except when I didn’t and was totally freaking out.

I took intentional pauses. I said no to a lot more things. I got quiet – even more quiet as an introverted highly sensitive person who’s always overthinking things.😊

A resource for you (PDF + audio guide):

I put together a PDF and audio guide for you as you navigate the voids in your ife. These are the reminders along the way so you know you’re not alone, clarity WILL come, and the puzzle pieces of what’s next will show up.

No opt-in is required. Simply download the PDF and audio file below. It’s my gift to you.

To get your free PDF download and audio from DropBox, click here.

To download the PDF directly from this page, click here.
To listen to the MP3 file for the audio guide, click play below:

You got this!