Society says that if you go to high school, then on to college and just get a good job that that is about as good as life is gonna get. Well… been there, done that and I didn’t like it. I thought there was something wrong with me because wasn’t content.
Why couldn’t I ever just be happy with a good paying job, paying the mortgage and if I’m lucky, saving up for a vacation every year?
Surely, there was something wrong with me.
Let me give you a snapshot of why, according to old-school standards, I never should have created any real success:
- I barely graduated high school. If it wasn’t for art and English to make up for failing grades in math and biology, I wouldn’t have graduated.
- I took the fast track through college and (barely) graduated with a BA in six years (yes, I’m being sarcastic about the fast track).
- My last two years of college I FINALLY found something that lit me up and since the university I was attending didn’t have the major
I wanted, I created my own major. That was one of the first times I realized I was innovative and created a solution that was out of the box. It was the first time I can remember that I didn’t feel bad about not fitting in “system.”
- I overcame years of depression and an eating disorder. HALLELUJAH!
- I got my first “real” job in the marketing department and realized I LOVED it. I was finally good at something and became a bit of a workaholic. I made $26,000 a year. This is also the year I met my true love who I’m now happily married to.
- I moved to a bigger city and got a different job that lasted a year. I got a different job that lasted about 18 months.
- I got a different job and made $60,000 a year. I got laid off. I worked freelance on the
side doing graphic design, PR and copywriting. I loved the freelance, but was getting burned out working 70+ hours a week. - I started a networking group for women entrepreneurs because the networking groups I saw out there were mostly boring, stuffy and I was usually the only woman. I ran it in the evenings so I could still work full time while I figured out what the hell I was doing.
- I got a different job. I got “laid off,” which is a fancy word
for being fired. That was the last job I had.
- I ran my networking group and built my first independent business as a jewelry artist. I also did freelance work. In a good month I made over $500. (five HUNDRED)
- In February 2010, I held my first women’s conference and it hosted over 300 women.
I lost $40,000 on the event. I was so confused because I followed what I felt was a divine inspiration but didn’t understand how this could be happening. - In October of 2010 I hired my first business coach. I had worked with other coaches on trade, but I hired someone for $900 a month and I had no idea how the hell I was going to pay that payment. But I made it happen.
- In March 2011, I held my second annual women’s conference that resulted in a $70,000 profit difference from the first year. I think I’m on to something here!
- In March 2011 I hired my first staff member and was totally freaked out about adding that to my monthly expenses. I have since hired two additional people in addition to a housekeeper / personal assistant. I’m about to hire an additional VA. Every time I hire an additional team member I panic a little then realize it’s a natural growing pain.
- In March 2011 I also upleveled my coaching, which resulted in a monthly investment that was more than my mortgage. Another fear storm. I got over the fear and did it anyway. I finally invested in myself at a new level, and paired with the coaching, is what made
the difference for me.
Since then I have launched four coaching programs of my own and filled them. I launched MY first event with 188 people registered where I was on stage teaching instead of hiding behind my speakers. This event was the first event that resulted in a high five figure profit from the programs I sold. It was the second time ever that I had sold from stage and had 27 people apply for the nine spots I had open in a program. (Did I mention that I was insanely shy most of my life?)
I’m in process of building a multiple six-figure business. I remember the first month I made over $20,000 in 2010. I couldn’t quite believe it.
Why am I telling you this? It’s not about trying to make you think anything about me. I’m telling you this because if I can do this, ANYONE can do this. And I have no problem airing my “dirty laundry” so you can see that I’m REAL and I take what I do very seriously. I know what it feels like to struggle, yet something tells you that life can be different.
IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE. When people ask me how I did it, it boils down to these three things:
- Have a WHY that is stronger than the circumstances. This WHY is what gets you through the moments that feel like defeat. My why is to change the world through empowering women to remember their greatness and live their full potential so they make a profit AND making a difference.
- The ability to say YES to an opportunity because you know your way isn’t working. When you say YES and make the DECISION, then resources ALWAYS show up. Sometimes at the 11th hour. And usually after crying and wondering why you feel like you might be crazy.
- Ask for the business. Before I thought if I had a website, business card and attended networking meetings then I would somehow get business. Nope. When I asked for the business then I got it. Your WHY has to be bigger than your fear of selling. You have to let go of the “selling is bad” lie. Selling is the only way to fund your dream and the only way you can serve the people you are meant to serve.