(Scroll to the bottom to listen to this episode.)

Unity. Kindness. THIS is who we are.

Today marked the inauguration of the new US President.

Exhale fear. Return it to sender with consciousness attached.

Expand your energy…bigger. bigger. Expand.

Remember that fear (and narcissists) will do everything possible to convince you that you are helpless and broken.

Here’s the truth: you have the ability and power to create. WE the people create change.

We stand for unity. We stand for kindness. We stand for equality. THIS is who we are.

What else is possible?

The country and the world have entered into a chapter of doing shadow work. If you’ve done shadow work before, you know that this sh*t is not for the faint of heart.

As a nation and a world, we are being called to look deeply within. We are now looking at the things we have pretended are not there. We are feeling the effects of the undone healing. We are being forced to look at what tolerating things for decades does to our hearts and the world.

While we know that structures that are in the way of creating a greater future will be stripped away and torn down to build something even better – this is how life works. Breaking down the old paradigms is f*cking uncomfortable. It can be hard.

Perhaps this is what’s happening now and it’s in the package that we want to refuse, avoid, and blame.

But we do it anyway. We stand back up. We embrace one another. We love the parts of ourselves and our communities that feel scared and brittle. We stand up taller.

The recent turn of events has ignited activism in a whole new way hasn’t it? This is good news my friends.

The questions that are helping me shift the energy and create clarity of who I need to BE to create change are:

  • What do I really desire?
  • What am I willing and committed to do to create it?
  • How do I stand up for kindness and unity without perpetuating even more judgment and division?
  • Am I speaking to be heard or to be right? (Thanks to my client Julie for that one.)
  • Am I standing up to be united, or to step on someone I view as lesser than?
  • Am I speaking without listening? Where can I listen more deeply?
  • Am I asking what else is possible or assuming the worst?

In the Access Consciousness® world that I’m so grateful to be a part of, we talk about the biggest epidemic in the world is judgment.

What we judge we cannot change. What and who we judge, we cannot receive from.

If you are struggling today, or with the political climate in general, I hear you. I see you. I honor you. I invite you in the space of asking questions and remembering that we can create beyond the limitations that are fueling the “news” and social media.

If you are not struggling today, I hear you. I see you. I honor you. And I also invite you in the space of asking questions and remembering that we can create beyond the limitations.

Expand your energy bigger than the problem or fear.

Let us remember that we are all citizens of humanity. Let us remember that WE the people choose to create beyond limitations.

Unity. Kindness. THIS is who we are.

Join Me in Believing and BEing Infinite Possibilities. Now our real work begins. We’re in this together. 
