I’m back home after traveling to California for 10 days. It was awesome and I’m so glad to be in my own home.
I’ve been having a lot of conversations with clients, colleagues and friends about what is really possible for 2014.
For me, several life-long dreams came true:
I taught kids in Africa. (upper left)
I went on a Soul Vision retreat to Italy (upper right).
I traveled with my honey and we strengthened our marriage. (middle right)
I built a school in Africa (bottom right)
I empowered women at my events (bottom left)
In my client sessions and Akashic Record readings with clients, here are the common themes:
2104 is a time for DECISION. Either you are in or you are out. No more halfway commitments. It’s a time to get out of your comfort zone and never go back to the predictable comfort.
2014 is a time for big visions, big changes and big transformation. To play big is not for the faint of heart.
Guess what? You are right on time.
All you have to do is step forward, make the decision to step in 100% to your life’s mission.
I have an exciting announcement to how I can help you with the transition and transformation that is possible for you in the new year. Some lives are really going to change here.
Part of what is possible for you is how EASY you can make your business, which is what this week’s feature article is all about.