The Soul of Your Business + a purple bike
Curiosity creates new possibilities far greater than looking for the right answer ever will.
Curiosity creates new possibilities far greater than looking for the right answer ever will.
How do we find connection and honour social distance? How do we allow ourselves to feel sadness and also hold the space for gratitude and possibilities?
You don’t have to subscribe to this “new you, new year,” hype.
I recently looked through memories on Facebook and how I bought into hustling and talking about how you just have to choose abundance and it would show up (if you also worked hard enough.)
For those of us who are highly sensitive, deeply aware, empathic souls, it’s easy to feel it all and so I’d like to take just a few moments and share a few thoughts to create more peace and calm in the midst of big world events right now (US primary elections, coronavirus, etc).
I invite us all collectively into deepening our inner peace and calm as well as invite you to some group meditations I’ll be hosting for free this week to collectively get our energy into a state of love, healing, and peace.